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Let's Talk About HIV Treatment! 1

Getting into Care 

Whether you (or a loved one) is newly diagnosed, or have been living with HIV for a while, the most important thing is getting connected to care and starting treatment. HIV treatment both keeps people with HIV from getting sick and prevents the spread of the virus to others.

Even if you do not have insurance, or are underinsured, there are options to get the medical care and medications you need to stay healthy. You can also get help with other social support needs, such as housing assistance, mental health care, dental care, substance abuse, and other services.

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, along with its AIDS Drug Assistance Program or ADAP,  provides primary medical care, medication, and essential support services to low income people with HIV across the U.S.

Additionally, under the Affordable Care Act, or ACA, people with HIV can now buy affordable coverage in the health care marketplace. Financial assistance may be available. In some states, coverage may be available through expanded Medicaid programs.

Find out more about these programs and where to go to get care.

Frequently Asked Questions