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Living Well with HIV: Marissa

HIV was definitely something that I knew about, but it wasn’t anything that was prevalent as far as conversation.

Thankfully, my doctor was very proactive in making sure that testing was always part of my regular routine care.

I heard that I was HIV positive.

I left the doctor’s office and drove to my best friend’s house. She was able to tell me “it’s gonna be ok. It’s not what it used to be. You can live a long healthy life.”

HIV medications have come a long way.

Viral load is the HIV virus and CD4 are the helper cells, your white blood cells that fight off any kind of infections.

What that medication does is it helps to bring back your CD4 count, while decreasing the amount of virus that is in your body.

Because there’s so little of it, even though it’s not cured, you’re not able to transmit it to anyone.

Being undetectable for me, it’s kind of a two part for me. It means that I’m doing my part to keep myself healthy, but it also means that I’m doing my part to keep any of my partners healthy as well.

Let’s Talk About HIV Treatment!

Antiretrovirals, the medications used to treat HIV, keep you healthy and prevent the spread of HIV to others.

Even if you do not have insurance, or are underinsured, there are options to get the care and medications you need to stay healthy.

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Care Program offers support services for people with HIV, including mental health care, housing assistance, and more.

The AIDS Drug Assistance Program to help individuals with financial need get their HIV medications.

Click here to find out more about the health and preventative benefits of HIV treatment.