Dr. Leandro: I’m HIV positive. Can I still have sex? And the answer to that is absolutely yes.
Dr. Demetre: You have some questions? We know HIV.
Dr. David: I’m a doctor. I’m trained for this.
Dr. Leandro: We’re gonna give you what you need. Having HIV should not be a reason why you should not have sex. What’s important is that you want to make sure that you’re taking medications, again, to stay healthy, but also to prevent giving HIV to others. When you use protection you’re no longer protecting people from getting infected with HIV from you, because the medications are taking care of that, you want to make sure that you use protection and condoms because you don’t want anyone to give you any other infections. So you’re really protecting yourself.
Yes! People living with HIV can have safe and enjoyable sex lives! In addition to condoms, HIV treatment – which improves health and prevents the spread of the disease – can help you and your partner stay healthy. Because HIV shouldn’t stand in the way of love!.
Click here to find out more about how to protect you and your partner.