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Hi I’m Reggie.
In 1985, I met the love of my life. We got pregnant a few years later and as a result of getting pregnant, I got tested. We both got tested for HIV. h Her test came back negative and my test came back positive. When I was diagnosed with AIDS, the doctors told me that I had six months to live. It was a traumatic time. We almost immediately went into denial. We didn’t share with anyone because we were afraid of what people would think and how they would treat us.
By not disclosing ,you know, it just took so much out of me trying to hide. I was 160 pounds on a 6’4 frame and that just looks like death and I made up my mind that I was going to share honestly and openly with on anyone exactly my stories.
It created an environment that was conducive to honesty. Since then, my relationship with my wife and my family has blossomed and it has certainly brought our family closer together. We appreciate each other so much more. There are so many things that you can do to prevent contracting HIV. Wear a condom.
25 years we’ve been together I’ve been HIV-positive all of that time and she remains HIV-negative. She’s my best friend in the world I plan on being here until I’m at least 200 years old. The hardest part about being 200 is watching all of you die.

Reggie and his wife Dionne have been married for over 25 years. He has been living with HIV all of that time, and the two share how their love and commitment to keeping each other safe have been key to their relationship.