Michael: It’s definitely changed the work, but definitely feel like we still show up every day and make an impact on people’s lives.
Blossom: Some of the issues that I’m seeing right now is, with COVID happening, a lot of people are losing their insurance.
Charles: I have seen where an individual will go to their first appointment and their insurance is on, but then the next appointment, their insurance is off. Then, now, I have to work hard to make sure that I get them the services that they need, which is ADAP and case management, to make sure that no lacking of medication is done.
Michael: One of the things that we have implemented since COVID-19 is that we actually mail condoms to people by request.
Blossom: It’s been my first time using telehealth and I will say I actually love it.
Charles: Right now, we’re doing virtual linkage. What I do is basically set up a phone call, either a phone call, if they feel comfortable in doing a FaceTime or a Zoom call. It’s more now trying to make sure that all the newly diagnosed and also the returning to care individuals are getting the care that they need.