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Do asymptomatic STIs need to be treated?

I am Dr. Leandro Mena. I’m an infectious disease specialist and you can ask me anything.

While most STIs are asymptomatic, so people who have may not have any symptoms, [this] doesn’t necessarily mean that they will not have the consequence of these infections, causing severe disease.

For example, chlamydia is the number one cause of infertility. So early, routine screening and treatment [of chlamydia] is really with the goal of preventing tubal infertility and other complications.

With HIV, so often, we see in clinic young men who were diagnosed with gonorrhea and chlamydia or syphilis before an HIV diagnosis. And those STIs are really the alarm, sounding the alarm, right?

So, because of all those reasons, it’s really important to make sure that STIs can treated timely.

This video is a joint production of KFF’s GREATER THAN and CDC’s LET’S STOP HIV TOGETHER. This information is shared for educational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. The views expressed are those of the featured medical professional and reflect information available to that professional at the time of filming.

Always consult a healthcare provider for any personal health decisions. The marks “CDC” and “Let’s Stop HIV Together” are owned by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and are used with permission. Use of these logos is not an endorsement by HHS or CDC of any particular product, service, or enterprise.