PrEP is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
I’ll tell you that as a clinician, PrEP is easier than a lot of the other stuff that we do. I think it’s about as easy as cholesterol medicines.
And so it’s about motivation. And I think we’re all motivated to really help our patients.
And so learn how to do it. That’s number one.
Number two, if you can prescribe any medicine, you can prescribe PrEP. Nothing special to do with that. Don’t need any sort of prior specific training. You don’t need to get an infectious disease doctor or HIV doctor to supervise what you’re doing. You’re able to prescribe it.
Then the third is just make sure that you know what follow up looks like and that if you start someone on PrEP that you’re able to give them clear guidance about when to come in, what testing you need to do.
And so, start prescribing PrEP. You’ll see it’s really easy.