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Walgreens Stores
315 Number of participating stores1
306 Number of stores with data reported as of 10/9/18 (“reporting stores”)
97% Percent of stores with data reported


Cities, States and MSAs
180 Number of cities with reporting stores
31 Number of states with reporting stores
104 Number of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs)/Non-MSAs with reporting stores


Testing Partners2
189 Number of ASOs/CBOs reporting
33 Number of health departments reporting3


HIV Tests
8,152 Number of HIV tests reported
26.7 Average number of HIV tests per reporting store
45 Number of positive HIV test results
0.6% Percent positive HIV tests reported

1 Based on those confirmed to participate as of 6/26/18 and feedback from store managers.
2 Many partners provided testing at multiple stores. Some partners coordinated on individual stores.
3 Reflect only health departments (HDs) providing or coordinating testing, additional HDs provided promotional support.

Click here for more information on the 2018 Greater Than HIV/Walgreens National HIV Testing Day Community Partnership.